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Unification Church founder Moon hurt in crash

By HYUNG-JIN KIM – Jul 19, 2008

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — A helicopter carrying the Rev. Sun Myung Moon crashed Saturday into a mountain in South Korea, injuring the founder of the Unification Church and 13 others, officials said.

Moon was slightly injured, a hospital official said. Members of Moon's family, including his wife, were also hurt, and one person suffered a serious back injury, fire official Kim Wu-jong said.

The helicopter was carrying 16 people when it crashed and burst into flames, Kim said.

Moon and the others were treated at the nearby church-affiliated Cheongshim Hospital in Gapyeong, about 37 miles northeast of Seoul, hospital official Park Sung-kwon said.

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這是截至目前為止,關於鄭的最新消息。不過,格主希望這是格主無法分類的最後一篇,因為它本不該出現在這裡。也希望像這類的新聞,趕緊在滿目瘡痍的世上消失吧!(以下轉貼新聞) 「攝理教教主鄭明析由中國押送回南韓受審」(2008/02/20) 鄭明析臉帶口罩被南韓警方押下剛從中國大連飛抵南韓首爾仁川機場的飛機的資料畫面(格按:為免污染本格環境,恕不轉貼該照片於此)。鄭被押下飛機後,隨即被押上車帶走。在引渡遣返前,鄭明析被押在中國遼寧省鞍山市公安局。機場內群聚超過1000名得到消息的群眾,南韓警方出動大批警察維持,以防突發事件。 鄭明析隨即被首爾中央地檢署收押偵訊,面對包括強*、詐*、侵*等罪名的控訴(格按:為免損害本格氣氛,恕將罪名隱去)。2月23日,首爾中央地檢署正式宣布逮捕鄭明析。 以上新聞內容(及更多相關新聞細節)可參見http://jacobcrab.homeip.net/joomla/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=106&Itemid=55

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