目前分類:1957年講道 (15)

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The Original Garden of Eden

You probably know a lot about the original garden of creation, the Garden of Eden. Moreover, you also probably know well that before the fall, Adam and Eve related with God freely, consulting with each other. However, we also know that because of the fall of Adam and Eve, the Garden of Eden of hope, which the Creator God wanted to achieve through Adam, could not be realized at all. Consequently, the original Garden of Eden that we must pursue now has nothing to do with the fall, and that world is both our world of hope and the world of hope that God wanted and has sought since the creation of the world.

God, who tried to behold the glory of the ideal through human beings in the Garden of Eden, lost human beings, and as a result the hopeful will, the Garden of Eden, was also lost. Thus, even for God, that garden remains as the garden of hope until today.

Moreover, we human beings who have received the lineage of the fall have been seeking this garden as the eternal hope while we were going through the historical course. Nonetheless, you know very well that if we human beings cannot find this garden, then the true joy, the true life, and the true love that they should enjoy, and the true ideology that they should possess cannot develop any relationship with the heavenly ideology.

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God's and Jesus' Hope for Humanity

You know very well that fallen humanity is longing for the dawning of the glorious day that is their hope and ideal. You have to understand that God also has been toiling for the long 6,000-year time span to find this one day. Jesus and the Holy Spirit also have been exerting themselves to repeat the battles for a time span of 2,000 long years. Furthermore, the countless believers who are worshipping heaven have also been crossing the ridge of infinite sacrifice to find this one day.

This ridge must be crossed over, even if we die hundreds and thousand of times in the process. We must feel to our bones that to cross over this ridge, human beings were not the only ones who were mobilized. Many religious groups and many founders of religions in the spirit world, even the Holy Trinity, have been mobilized for this effort.

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Jesus Who Was Distrusted by the Israelites

Jesus faces the dispensational fate to come back, because when he came to this earth he died hanging on the cross and after the resurrection he ascended to Heaven. Among the Israelite people who have been abiding by God's dispensational will for a long time, Judaism had the mission to fulfill the will of God and lay the foundation of victory. This was the desire of God who chose them and was also their own hope.

Wishing for this one time when this will might be realized, God sent His only begotten son whom He could trust to execute the entire task of materializing the ideals of creation. Therefore, God had to realize the historical blessing through Israel by bringing Jesus before the human beings as their master, and bring a conclusion to the will of God's dispensation of salvation.

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Today, I plan to speak briefly on the topic, "Let the Sleeping World Awaken." Since God is behind the dispensation, this earth will one day greet the new morning of bright future. There, we human beings will sing glory with the whole world of creation. The hope of God and human beings is that in this way human beings can join all things on earth to return glory and joy to Father. Consequently, while passing through the long history until today, human beings have yearned for the day when all humanity can rejoice centering on one ideal standard and become together intoxicated in love. Even when they did not know when that day might be, for sure, they longed for that day.

God Who Is Appealing to Human Beings 向人類請求的神

Then, why have humans lapsed into this realm of death? It is because human beings fell.

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The Purpose of God's 6,000 Years of Struggle

Because of human beings, God has been carrying on internal and external conflicts that surpass our imagination throughout the course of history. In other words, in the invisible world, He is battling against Satan. In the visible world, He is unfolding the fight through the people on the good side and the people on the evil side.

If we now have the responsibility to fathom the will of God and understand His internal situation, then we must take charge of the internal and external conflicts of God on His behalf. You must understand that, otherwise, this conflict that involves the whole cannot conclude in the victory God desires.

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Human beings cannot live without creating relationships with other people. An individual exists because his mind and body are in a relationship and are in the position to live for the sake of the other. This altruism must develop further to care for the family, people, society and the nation. Furthermore, even the universe is to lead a life of altruism. In religious terms, this kind of altruistic life is a life lived for the sake of God.

Centering on yourself, you must find the standard that will enable you to care for others in horizontal relationships. Then, creating three- dimensional relationships, you must find the standard that will enable you to live for the sake of the one center. After that, you must lead a life that can connect with the one center on the levels of the family, nation, world, and universe. Without this kind of central standard of altruism, we human beings cannot obtain satisfaction and happiness.

You must find that central standard of altruism which can be responsible for history, which possesses the value of the whole, and which pursues the universe. You must do this in order to build a relationship of life. By connecting with the root of power centering on love, you must absorb infinitely and be absorbed infinitely. Furthermore, you must be able to receive validation of this from the entire environment that surrounds you.

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God's love operates in places where there is harmony. Even in yourself, God's love operates on top of the place where the body joins in harmony centering on the mind. Going one step further, God's love operates at the place where families, nations, the world and Heaven come together in harmony.

If all created things had set the standard of goodness by which they could rejoice for eternity in harmony centering on God's love, there would not have been any walls between things. Even in the human world, because they could not become united centering on God's love, the minds and bodies of individuals could not be in harmony. Furthermore, among neighbors or clansmen, different people could not come together in harmony. Nations, the world and Heaven could not become one.

The purpose of God's dispensation of restoration is to establish one person who can bring harmony to this world of creation that is in discord. Centering on that person the scope of love should expand to dismantle the barriers that stand between individuals, families, nations, the world and heaven.

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The Purpose of Jesus' Proclamation of Words 耶穌宣揚聖言的目的

Human beings on earth have hoped for the Kingdom of Heaven until now. As they were passing through history, human beings have led their lives with the hope that in their own generation the ideology of the heavenly kingdom will be materialized on this earth in every aspect, including environmentally and worldwide. What is more, God has been longing for the realization of the Heavenly Kingdom as He was guiding the dispensation. You must understand that, consequently, the heavenly kingdom that we must build is the hope of God, the center of man's hope and the hope of all things. However, we ourselves must create this Heavenly Kingdom, which is the center of the eternal ideal and the eternal hope, but instead, we are in position to lament over our own selves.

If the Heavenly Kingdom is not a world that excludes God, but is a world centered on God, then we have no choice but to build a relationship with God to create the heavenly kingdom. In addition, if God is also conducting the providence for the sake of realizing the ideal of the Heavenly Kingdom which can harmonize the whole world of creation, then He must build a relationship with human beings. Because the Heavenly Kingdom of hope is far away from us and the world that we live in is a world of sin and hell, even if we ourselves want to build a relationship with God, we do not have a way to do it.

Nonetheless, if we want to create a tie with God and build the Kingdom of Heaven, then the relationship between the heavenly kingdom and us is inseparable. It is not limited to our own generation. It is the eternal bond that transcends time and place. Looking at how human beings are always perceiving this kind of ideology and ideal of the heavenly kingdom, we can understand that the eternal heavenly kingdom that will be materialized, centering on God, is already fatefully tied to us.

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Human being's life of original creation is living the life with a tranquil mind. Yet, we do not find peace in the minds of people today. Moreover, in the minds of humankind who should be living within the eternal ideal centering on liberty, there are no freedom and ideal about which Heaven can also be happy.

Consequently, all human beings spread all across the world today hope for the fulfillment of complete freedom, ideal and peace based on a certain time. This is the heart's earnest desire for all the people who are living on this earth. Similarly, the world of perfect freedom, ideal and peace is the original ideal for which humankind long, and no matter what, you must fulfill this centering on your minds and bodies. Furthermore, you must achieve this also in the family centering on your individual self, and you must fulfill this in the society, the nation, and the world. Not only that, you must build the one world that can unite heaven and earth and sing the song of peace and freedom, and enjoy the ideal love.

If you cannot materialize this kind of world, then human beings cannot partake in the true happiness, true liberation and true glory. Then, how did humankind come to face such unfortunate fate? This is retribution of the fall. In this way, the humanity of the whole world today must cross over the pass of confrontation and conflict. They have the fate to cross over the pass of anguish, the Golgotha of tears. You must feel, throughout your daily life, that you are also living such grievous life.

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The title of the sermon that I will deliver to you today is "What Kind of Resurrection Are You Trying to Achieve?" Because Adam and Eve fell, we human beings came to be far from God's love. At any rate, Adam and Eve before the fall did not know that once they fell, the God who used to face them with joy would turn into a God of fear, and the God of the ideal would turn into a God of judgment. 今天要證道的主題是:「我們想獲得怎樣的復活?」因為亞當與夏娃的墮落,我們人類遠離了神的愛。無論如何,墮落前的亞當與夏娃並不知道:一旦他們墮落了,過去他們以著喜悅迎接的神會,變成一位令他們畏懼的神;而過去的理想的神,如今卻變成了審判的神。

The Ideal God 理想的神

To us, the descendants of the fall, the time when we reciprocate with God, as the fearful God as well as the ideal God, will surely come. The reason that God has unfolded providential history in repetition was to stand as the ideal God before humankind by having them become suited to the providence. However, to the people in the realm of Satan, God will appear as a judgmental and fearful God.

Therefore, in order for us to attend God as the ideal God, we have to experience God's sorrow derived from the fall of humankind, be in the same sorrowful situation as God, and form a connection to be able to live together with God. Otherwise, God cannot appear to us as the ideal God nor as the hero of the ideal of creation.

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God Who Seeks a Substantial Entity of Goodness 尋找良善實體代身的神

If we consider God's shimjung from various angles, it is fraught with sorrow, and in it there remains some of God's concern. As we see God's providential dispensation being carried out in continuation through today's creatures, we can comprehend that God still seeks the substantial entity that is the ideal of creation.

We the faithful believers today must appear before history and before the providence by becoming a substantial fruitful entity through experiencing God's internal shimjung from the standpoint of God, who is in such a situation. Unless we can be reaped as God wishes and be those whom God can be proud of, you must understand that you will not be able to undo God's acute resentment, penetrating grief, and heart-rending sorrow.

What is God's sorrow? It is that there is no true human being who is the fruitful entity of goodness, who can have dominion over all things, having the right sense of direction by which all created beings can aim toward goodness. Therefore, human beings must become the fruitful entity of goodness that can express God the Father's internal shimjung by becoming living sacrifices before God. Going further, there has to emerge a representative character who receives God's blessing from among them.

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God's Love That Is To Be Restored

You know very well that, because one eternal center could not be established on this fallen earth, the love that God wishes to find has not been established. God's purpose of creation was to accomplish the world of love where God could give and receive the sublime culmination of love in reciprocity with His creation. However, because humankind fell by not comprehending this will of God, such a world could not be accomplished. Therefore, you must understand that the love of God has remained as the standard of hope before all things in the universe and humankind.

Accordingly, the providential responsibility to find and establish God's love as a condition of the eternal ideal lies upon us, humankind today. Although many human beings have lived on this earth until now, the standard that can satisfy God's internal love and that can materialize the collective ideal of human beings is yet to be completely established. This love includes all created things.

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The Purpose of Jesus’ Descent

You know very well that Jesus, who appeared on this earth embracing the will of Heaven which had been concealed within the bosom of God, was the figure who came to look for the true sons and daughters who could stand on the top of the mountain of triumph, stepping over the sinful history created by our ancestors. What kind of mind then did Jesus have when he appeared before humanity on this earth? He appeared with the same mind with which humankind respectfully behaved toward God. You must know that all the things that Jesus saw, listened, felt and thought were not functions of the senses that Satan could take pleasure in, in the realm of the fall, but were functions of the original nature. Jesus came to propagate the words of the new gospel by setting up the standard of life with the will of the whole that God demanded of all humankind.

The eyes that saw, the ears that listened, the mouth that spoke, the nose that smelled, and the body and limbs that felt everything were different in Jesus from those of humankind on the earth, whose purpose was to accomplish their own desire. By rising above the sinful world and by practicing, of his own accord, the words that are issuing forth from God's heart (words that are proper before the will of God and that God can take pleasure in), Jesus established a condition of triumph and an example that all humankind can follow.

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The Advent of Jesus and the Distrust by the Chosen People

Due to their fall, Adam and Eve lost the garden of eternal ideals that God had granted. In other words, Adam and Eve lost the garden of goodness where they could share the pleasures and pains of life with God. For that reason, they came to leave the bosom of God and started the sorrowful life of longing for God. Accordingly, humankind has walked along the course of a 6,000- year history of sufferings until now, looking back toward God with sorrowful hearts. Just as our ancestors walked the course of life looking back toward Heaven, today all humanity is also walking forward through the course of life, looking back toward Heaven, wishing to restore their original position. Jesus, too, who came to save humankind, was looking for the people on the earth who could look back toward Heaven.

God sent Jesus Christ out of love, hoping that the people of the world would listen to the new gospel of Jesus Christ, who was turning things upside down and altering their life course. He was hoping they could cling to Jesus Christ. However, humankind then and the numerous people since then have not been able to rightfully welcome and attend him, as their master who can make them look back toward Heaven. Because of that, history has been flowing forth without fulfillment of the purpose of life in which they can proceed looking back toward Heaven. Similarly, you of today also are faced with the destiny to go forth looking back toward Heaven at all times. Because humankind cannot go back toward Heaven by its own ability, God provided the way by sending Jesus Christ, through whom humankind can go back. If humankind had looked in the direction that Jesus looked and walked as Jesus walked, humankind could have accomplished the hope of returning to the bosom of God. You must know for certain that this was the central meaning of why God sent Jesus Christ.

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The Value of the Life of A Human Being

Fallen humankind has not yet found the value of eternal life to which the world, the earth and heaven, can attest. Therefore, fallen humankind is left with the mission of restoration to find the value of individual life, the value of world-level life, and beyond that, the value of heavenly life.

Where then will God's purpose of establishing the will of the dispensation and the sought-after value of life be completed? It is not going to be finalized with only you or the world. Heaven and earth have to be united. The value of life that God, the world and the individual can all be happy about at the same time has to be found. Only then will the dispensation of the providential salvation of Heaven be completed at last. The worldwide human activities centering on Satan will be completed, too, and so will the individual-centered concept of morality. You must know that fallen humankind must take the responsibility to make their way through such a life course.

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