影片為2007年12月12日在菲律賓舉行的全球和平節的大會主題曲,由 Raki Vega 及Mike Kilayco 演唱,歌曲作者為Trina Belamide。此為現場收錄版,從舞臺左側拍攝。長4分半鐘。CD版已加入本blog相簿區的音樂檔案中,音質較清晰。影片緩衝需時間,請先點擊播放,然後耐心等候(等候期間,可按暫停鍵,至其顯示已完全或大部分抓取下來後,再按一次播放鍵,即可流暢播映)。感謝熱心人士提供英文歌詞,及權威人士協助訂正於後(此歌詞為終極版)

[One family under God] written by Trina Belamide 

Here we stand together

One in all humanity

For we all come from the Father

We are one family.

It’s our school of love and peace

Where we learn there’s a way

For the world to live in harmony

And together we all say:


This is where peace begins

Here we sow the seeds of love

It all starts with our knowing 

We are one family

We are one family under God.

(Under God we are one.)


Not just body but spirit

On and on we try to be

People who live for others

For love knows no boundary.

Neither race nor religion,

No barriers can keep us apart

Forgiveness, true understanding

This is how it all starts.


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